Features included: Stamp Card / Punch Card, Multilevel Offers, Customer Referral Rewards, Customizable Point Scheme, White Label Signup Page, Scanning and Verification Appp
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PassSlot Loyalty can be purchased for a one time fee of $149/program if you do not subscribe for a paid subscription.
PassSlot Loyalty includes prebuilt loyalty programs for stampcards, so you can setup your stampcard based loyalty program within seconds.
Reward your most active customers with special offers or engange your less active customers by offering them a better discount once they reach a certain level.
Ideal for VIP membership programs.
Go viral and let your existing members recruit new members and reward them for doing so – word-of-mouth marketing at its best. You have complete control over when a new member is counted as referal, e.g. require them to obtain some points beforehand.
You have a pretty good idea how you want to build your loyalty scheme? No problem – Our point based system is fully configurabe, reward a custom amount of points for different activities like joining, providing email/phone numbers, installing or using the card.
Features included: Personalized Loyalty Card, Automatic Card Updates, Point Balance, Customer Profile including Name, Email and Phone Number, Customer Activity History, Customer Management Interface.
The personal digital loyalty card is the starting point for interactions. The customer can update his profile, check for new offers and earn points. The best thing: the card will automatically update to the most recent offer and always have current point balance.
Every customer has a point balance you can track. When reaching a certain amount of points, you can allow him to buy goods for points or just reward him with special offers.
Every customer can create his own profile, allowing him to personalize his loyalty card. You can even reward customers with points when they enter their contact details like name, email or phone number.
Keep track of all loyalty related activities of your customers. You see how, when and how many points a customer earned, how he did spend them and when you redeemed offers.
Features included: Micro-Location iBeacon Notifications, Geolocation Notifications, Push Notifications, Point-dependent Offers, Scheduled / Time-based Offers, Per Customer and Total Availability Restrictions, Free or Paid Offers
Set start and ending date for special offers let PassSlot Loyaly do the rest. The customer can be notified when offers become available and when they expire.
Only want to reward loyal customers? No problem – Make your offer only available to customers that have a certain amount of points. The offer will be made available automatically once a customer earned enough points.
You can remind customers when they are near your store using GPS location or iBeacon Micro-Location. You can also send messages about new offers or remind them to redeem the offers.
Keep control of your offers. You can define limits like only one offer per customer or put a limit on the total number of offers that can be claimed (first come first served).
Customers can save a money with your special offers and they will like it!
Mobile Wallet Loyalty Programs are so convenient to use – your customers will love it. Surveys show that 92 out of 100 customers don't want to give up their personal mobile wallet cards (261 participants).
Your customers will feel special and valued. This will strengthen the relationship of your customers to your business
Your customers will share your vision of the mobile wallet and be campaninos on this journey. They will like to be part of something groundbreaking.
The loyalty program will attract new customers to your business; either via customer referrals or your rewards and special offers.
Up-sellig and cross-selling will help you sell more and enhance the value the customer get from your business (and vice versa).
You will be able to reduce promotional and advertising costs by targeting the right customers with right promotions.
A Mobile Wallet Loyalty Program will cost only a fraction of traditional loyalty programs – this makes it affordable for every business.